Meet The Team

“Individuals can and do make a difference, but it takes a board
to really mess things up.”

Livia Wilod Versprille, Treasurer

Livia Wilod Versprille


Livia is een tweedejaars psychologie PhD student en focust op de neurobiologie van executieve functies. Daarvoor heeft ze in Utrecht gestudeerd. Ze komt uit Veenendaal en is lid van St. Catharine’s college.

Livia is in her second year of her PhD in psychology studying the neurobiology of executive functions. Before that she has studies in Utrecht. She is originally from Veenendaal and is a member of St. Catharine’s college.

Sebastiaan Hoek


Sebastiaan is derdejaars natsci student. Hij komt oorspronkelijk uit Heemstede en is lid van Pembroke College.

Sebastiaan is in his third year as a natsci student. He is orginally from Heemstede and is a member of Pembroke college

Thomas Burger, Secretary

Thomas Burger


Thomas komt uit Amsterdam en is lid van Robinson college.

Thomas is originally from Amsterdam and is a member of Robinson college.

Vivian Karsten, Vice-president

Vivian Karsten


Vivian doet sinds oktober 2018 haar PhD in Chemical Engineering. Hiervoor heeft zij in Delft gestudeerd en oorspronkelijk komt ze uit Enkhuizen. Vivian is lid van Murray Edwards college.

Vivian is a PhD student in Chemical Engineering since October 2018. Before then, she studied in Delft. She is originally from Enkhuizen. Vivian is a member of Murray Edwards College.